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I feel like I haven't been a very good blogger lately! I've been so busy with school stuff, uni open days and all sorts of things like that! So sorry!!

I wanted to do a quick OOTD/what's on my face. I am really into black and white as you know and also really into simplistic outfits. This is why I wore just plain black leggings with a black dress/top.

I bought the top/dress in the River Island sale that is going on at the moment! And I absolutely love it! So easy to style and with and I love the gold detailing that is on the neckline. I just have on plain black leggings which I don't know where are from but you can pick them up anywhere! My newest purchase has been this cape from warehouse. It is so cosy and warm that I can wear it with everything! It was £30 but I feel like I am going to get a lot of wear out of it! I wore on my feet some knee high boots that I stole from my mum haha!

Thought id also do a what's on my face. I started out with Calvin Klein foundation which I really love and wear all the time! I then did my usual contour and blush which you can find in a previous post on what products I used. I then created a goldy brown smokey eye using Calvin Klein cream eyeshadow in a gold colour and using a medium brown eyeshadow in the crease. On my lips I wore Mac's lip liner in Vino and a Revlon lipstick in va va violet. I love this colour for an autumn berry look!

Let me know if you enjoy posts like these and what you would like to see in the future!

Also let me know what look you are prefering this autumn? Berry or nudes?

Sophie xxx

Two blog posts in one day, you lucky devils!! I was kindly nominated by Alixe from, so thank you Alixe!

The rules
  1. Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
  2. Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award.
  4. Link your nominees in this post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
  5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My 7 facts
  1. I have a few nicknames, for example 'loulou bums', 'sophus', 'fourfie', 'soppy-lou'
  2. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years! (since we were iccle)
  3. I have a weird fear of cotton wool and anybody green e.g the mask and the Grinch (basically any Jim Carey characters haha)
  4. I've wanted to be an actress forever, but considering its hard to get in to i'm going to study criminology in uni.
  5. I have 4 brothers, and I am the only girl
  6. I cry at TV programmes! I cry at Eastenders at least once a year and cry at Glee even more! Waterloo Road also makes me a blubbering mess.
  7. My mum is my best friend and I don't know where i'd be without her.
The Rules:
•   You must share the following firsts and give the story or the context behind them.
•   You must Tag 5 other bloggers to do to the tag.
•   No tag backs

First Best Friend -
My first best friend was my still best friend Abbie. We lived next door to each other from the age of two and have been inseparable ever since. She is still the person who I tell all my secrets to and I love her millions!

First Kiss -
My first kiss was with this boy who I had a crush on FOREVER! Turned out to be a complete douche-bag so I'm a hundred percent happy I found my current boyfriend!!

First concert -
The first proper concert I went to was Take That. They are my favourite band in the whole world and I begged my mum to take me and she did! It was the best concert I have EVER been to.

First celebrity crush-
Got to be Zac Efron, or Orlando Bloom! I had the biggest crush for Zac when he was in High School Musical and I still think he is amazingly sexy!! Also Orlando Bloom in Pirates of the Caribbean was amazingly gorgeous.

First word-
I'm not actually sure. Think probably mum!

First pet-
Well I had a hampster when I was younger but didnt really appreciate it that much. So I would probably class my current dog, Bailey, as my first proper pet!

First job-
When I was 16, I went and handed my CV's round everywhere! So my first paid job was in Blue Inc as a Christmas temp and it was the best feeling in the whole world earning my own money!

Makeup product-
My first makeup product was probably mascara and I remember wearing Natural collection clear mascara! I remember feeling so cool that I was allowed to wear makeup (even though it was clear mascara hahaha!)


Had such a good night in Cardiff Saturday night! Went to glam and met jason from the valleys!! He was so lovely 

I really liked my outfit on Saturday. I had bought it new especially for my night iout. I love the monochrome shorts, which were from missguided along with the kimono. I wore a low-cut from River Island and a necklace from eBay

I really liked the makeup look that went along with this. I wore a simple face with a heavier brow from my HD palette and a red lip! Thought the red really complemented the monochrome outfit!

Hope you all had a good weekend,
Love Sophie xxx

It's was my 18th birthday last week!
And I had an absolutely amazing day and night.
I was spoilt rotten by my friends, boyfriend and family (and hopefully get a what I got for my birthday post soon)
I was going to try and post a birthday OOTD but I didn't actually have any pictures of my outfit fully.
So I've just put up a few pictures of the night so you can get a general idea of my outfit.
I bought my dress from which I absolutely love! Definatly worth having a look at if you are looking for a dress for a special occasion.

Lots of love,
Sophie xxx


I know this is late, but I would like to say a huge thankyou to Hannah from for nominating me for a Leibster award!

  • Each nominee must link back to the person that nominated them.
  • Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers you like and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Let them know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

  1. Which celebrity has your dream wardrobe?
    I absolutely love the way Rhianna's dress sense, its so quirky and chic. I also love Victoria Beckham's wardrobe, she is so stylish and is so beautiful.
  2. What magazines do you read?
    Cosmo is my all time favourite! Love all the clothes and stories in it!
  3. What was the last app you used on your phone/ ipod?
    Instagram. I am 100% addicted to Instagram.
  4. What's your most favourite beach in the world?
    Haven't been to many places around the world but my local beach is Southerndown and it is so beautiful. 
  5. What are your least worn pair of shoes?
    I try to wear heels as much as I can but I just don't go out enough to wear them. I am quite tall as it is so  don't really wear my heels on a day-to-day bases. 
  6. What are your favourite colours to put together in an outfit?
    I love just plain black and white. I think it looks so classy and simplistic but still makes a statement.
  7. Favourite alchoholic drink?
    Blueberry Vodka and lemonade is probably my favourite on a night out.
  8. What is the worst book you've ever read?
    Really controversial, but I read Fifty Shades Of Grey and I really didn't see what the hype was about. I got half way through it and thought it was really boring so didn't even finish it.
  9. Did you have a cuddly toy/ item growing up?
    Yes, he is an elephant named Arnold.
  10. What job do you see yourself having in 10 years?
    I would love to work in the police force or counselling. I would also loved to be famous;)


1. Favourite Youtuber?
2. Favourite Youtube/blog tag?
3. Who is your fashion icon?
4. Celebrity crush?
5. Favourite Mac product?
6. Where is your favourite place to visit?
7. Dream car?
8. Worst fear?
9. Holygrail product?
10. Favourite fashion accessory? 


Rare London

Follie Follie

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