Two blog posts in one day, you lucky devils!! I was kindly nominated by Alixe from, so thank you Alixe!
The rules
- Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
- Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.
- Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award.
- Link your nominees in this post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
- Post 7 interesting things about yourself.
- I have a few nicknames, for example 'loulou bums', 'sophus', 'fourfie', 'soppy-lou'
- My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years! (since we were iccle)
- I have a weird fear of cotton wool and anybody green e.g the mask and the Grinch (basically any Jim Carey characters haha)
- I've wanted to be an actress forever, but considering its hard to get in to i'm going to study criminology in uni.
- I have 4 brothers, and I am the only girl
- I cry at TV programmes! I cry at Eastenders at least once a year and cry at Glee even more! Waterloo Road also makes me a blubbering mess.
- My mum is my best friend and I don't know where i'd be without her.
Thank you soo much soph, you cutie! xo