BooTea - Teatox

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March 14, 2015

Been feeling a bit bleh lately. Don't know if its the winter weather or hormones, but I have decied to do something about it. I am going to start BooTea's Teatox. I'm not necessarily doing this to try and lose weight but I was to flush out my system and refresh my body.

I've seen all these celebs and bloggers try detox tea so I bit the bullet and went out and bought this from Holland and Barrett. I'm not sure if all Holland and Barrett's sell these but my local one did. If not they can be found online and if you type in 'discount codes' I'm pretty sure there will be some sort of discount. However, I will try to keep you updated to give my honest opinion as to if I feel like its worth the money.

The way it works is you take the 'daytime detox' once a day and the 'bedtime detox' every other day to flush out your system (if you get what I mean...). For more information check out the website:

I've done the first day and so far so good! It tastes like herbal tea (as to be expected) it is stronger than I would normally have my tea but it isn't unpleasant to drink. But like I said I will keep you updated as to how it goes and my experiences with it.

If you have tried this please leave me a comment as to if you liked it! Would love your opinions on it. Ps I am in no way sponsored, I paid for this out of my own money.

Lots of love,
Soph xxxx

2 comments on "BooTea - Teatox"
  1. I was thinking about starting this detox, I don't really like green too though so does it taste exactly like green tea? Also let me know how you're getting on hun! I would love to try this out x
    Shannon -

    1. In my opinion, green tea tastes better, so if green tea isn't your thing you might not like this. But if it works I will write a review to let you know if its worth holding your nose, haha!
      Soph - xxx


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