20 questions about me

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August 27, 2013

found these questions on another blog, and thought it would be something a bit different to what I usually do and you can try and get to know me a little better! 

1. Are you named after anyone?
Not my first name which is Sophie-Louise, but my middle name is Jeanette and that was my mum's aunts name. I was named Jeanette as she sadly passed away from cancer before I was born, so my middle name Jeanette is in memory of her:)

2. When was the last time you cried?
I can't really remember, but I know I had an emotional week a few weeks ago. I had hurt my foot and was on crutches for two weeks. Not being able to move properly and relying on everyone made me really sad! But I'm better now and much more happy!! 

3. Do you have kids?
No! Way too young for that!

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I think so. I like to think of myself as a bubbly person and I always try and make my friends laugh!

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes! But so do my friends, we know that it is for humour instead of nastiness though:) 

6. Will you ever Bungee jump?
I haven't really thought about bungee jumping but I would much rather sky dive! Defo on my bucket list!

7. What's your favorite cereal?
I don't really eat cereal but id probably say honey nut clusters.

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?
 Teeth! Love a good set of teeth.

9. What is your eye colour?
Normally greeny-blue but more blue in the light!

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Defo happy endings! I just don't enjoy scary movies that much, not because I'm scared but I just generally don't like the stories behind them.

11. Favorite smells?
Mango smelling things!!! Bodyshop mango body butter is absolute heaven! Also grapefruit smelling things are amazing!! So fruit basically haha.

12. Summer or winter?
Winter! I love being all cosy when it's cold outside and I love winter clothes! So much more comfy!!

13. Computer or television?
TV probably. I love watching my programmes on Sky + and I normally use Internet on my phone when I need it.

14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home?
We went to Florida once but I was only 5 and can't really remember it.

15. Do you have any special talents?
Nope, I'm really not talented at anything haha! 

16. Where were you born?
Rhondda, South Wales

17. What are your hobbies?
Reading, watching YouTube, eating, normal teenage stuff.

18. Do you have any pets?
I have 2 dogs named Bailey and Cream. Mine is a bishon frise and my brothers is a jack russel.

19. Favorite movie?
I love a good classic! Dirty dancing is probably my fave! But I also like comedy such as mean girls and white chicks. They always make me laugh.

20. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, 3 brothers. I am the only girl:(

Sophie xx

2 comments on "20 questions about me"
  1. Oooh very jealous of your Welsh accent, I want one!
    and I feel your pain on being the only girl. I would love a sister.
    I've followed you too

    1. Aw thankyou haha! Would much rather a different accent!
      Thank you! Have you followed on GFC?
      Sophie x


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