Last week in the UK the weather took a bit of a turn for the worst. So I thought it was perfect to start preparing for Autumn looks.
I opted for a classic look, with a black high-neck jumper with 'mom' style jeans. However I loved the way these heels (which I am obsessed with) give that little bit of an extra edge! I absolutely love this look for both an everyday look or drinks with the girls.
I am also loving gold jewellery at the moment, and Primark have a fab selection at the moment and wont break the bank! If you also fancied adding something a little bit extra to an outfit, this New Look pom-pom key-ring looks adorable with any outfit (both day and night!)
Sophie xx
Ps. I have recently cut my hair, how are we all feeling on the messy long-bob?
Top: ASOS (Similar here)
Jeans: Topshop
Bag: H&M (Similar here)
Necklace: Primark
Pom-Pom: New Look
Heels: Public Desire (Similar here)