50 facts about me

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November 04, 2013
1. My name is Sophie-Louise Jeanette Griffiths. My family all call me 'Soph' or my nicknames 'lou-lou bums'

2. I'm deathly scared of cotton wool. Even of the thought of it makes me cry!!
3. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years next week.
4. I want to study criminology in uni
5. I still sleep with a teddy (his name is Arnold).
6. I dont really have any hobbies as such, but wish I had stuck to something. The only thing growing up I stuck at was Judo but gave that up after a few years. 
7. I am easily annoyed, but also easily amused! 
8. I have bluey-green eyes and blonde hair.
9. I would love to be in the police force some day.
10. I want to take a gap year after uni and travel America.
11. I have 3 brothers and I am the only girl. 
12. My birthday is September 23rd. Which means I am a Virgo and one of the oldest in the school year.
13. I prefer savoury to sweet.
14. Crisps are my weakness.
15. I have 2 dogs (Bailey and Cream, cheesy I know)
16. Grease and Dirty Dancing are my favourite old films.
17. I wish I had a Geordie accent! The Welsh accent is so boring.
18. I find it hard writing 50 facts about me.
19. I try and have a 'who cares' sort of attitude when it comes to peoples opinions on me.
20. I would love to start up a YouTube channel but dont think I have the time to commit to it at the moment. 
21. I want twins when I am older. I love the name Phoebe (for a girl)!
22. I have the best friends ever.
23. My blog is a secret.
24. My favourite smell is Mango. Body Shop body butter in mango is HEAVEN!
25. Candy Crush is taking over my life.
26. I love working and have worked since I was 16. Earning your own money is so rewarding!
27. At sixth form I study English Lit, Sociology and Ethics & Philosophy.
28. I love meat. Steak is the best. It also helps that my dad is a butcher.
29. My mum is my best friend.
30. I appreciate everyone who reads my blog and if you have got this far into reading my 50 facts, THANKYOU xxx
31. I'm from South Wales.
32. I do stupid things when I've had a few to drink (I am a lightweight). I DO NOT condone drinking irresponsibly. Seen too many bad things happen due to alcohol. 
33. I always wanted a lamb as a pet growing up and still think they are the cutest animal EVER, hence my dog is white and fluffy (I chose him haha). 
34. I am centemental and collect really random tokens from events.
35. I love soaps and programmes about murderers (weird, i know)
36. I am a fast texter. 
37. My first celebrity crush's were Zac Efron and Orlando Bloom. Still hold a torch for them.
38. I don't like the taste of coffee but wish I did.
39. Not really scared of any animals and wanted to be a vet for the majority of my childhood.
40. I kept a diary for a short period of my childhood and cringe reading it back.
41. Pink is my favourite colour.
42. I am 100% a girly-girl.
43. My first pet was a hampster called Bubbles and I was devastated when she died.
44. I have never broken a bone. (touch wood)
45. Ive watched every friends episode at least 3 times over. (I guess most have)
46. Mac is my favourite brand of makeup.
47. I love wearing black and white. Which you can probably tell.
48. Christmas is my favourite time of year.
49. I have so many women crush's. Beyonce is definately one of them and also Cara Delevigne.
50. Cucumber is the food I hate most in the whole world.

I know I have mentioned a few of these facts in my 'first time' tag but I wanted you to get to know me better. I hope this wasn't too boring. (Its harder than it looks writing 50 random facts about yourself!!)

Anyway, thanks so much for reading and I appreciate you all.
Sophie xxx
4 comments on "50 facts about me"
  1. Congrats on you and your boyfriend! As you know i'm from south wales too but i love the accent hehe!


    1. Thank you!
      I really should learn to like it, it's not going anywhere haha xx

  2. great tag! my first pet was also called bubbles, but it was a fish hahaha, I know... so original x

    1. Thank you!
      Haha I know, bubbles is so original xx


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